Toronto's Booming Real Es

Toronto is set to undergo a major transformation in the coming years, as city officials have approved a new planning policy that aims to add millions of new homes to the city’s housing stock. This new policy, dubbed “Growing Up: Planning for Children in New Vertical Communities”, focuses on promoting vertical living in high-rise buildings as a way to accommodate the city’s growing population and address the current housing shortage.

With the population of Toronto expected to increase by more than half a million people over the next 25 years, city planners have been tasked with finding creative solutions to meet the demand for housing. The “Growing Up” policy aims to do just that by encouraging the development of mixed-use high-rise buildings that combine residential units with amenities such as parks, schools, and community centers.

One of the key objectives of the new policy is to make Toronto more child-friendly, with a focus on creating family-friendly housing options in high-rise buildings. This includes provisions for larger units with two or more bedrooms, as well as amenities such as playgrounds, childcare facilities, and family-friendly programming. By making high-rise living more attractive to families, city planners hope to create vibrant, diverse communities that cater to residents of all ages.

In addition to promoting family-friendly housing, the “Growing Up” policy also aims to enhance the livability and sustainability of high-rise buildings in Toronto. This includes requirements for green roofs, energy-efficient design, and access to public transportation. By prioritizing sustainability in the development of new buildings, city officials hope to reduce the environmental impact of urban growth and create healthier, more resilient communities.

While the “Growing Up” policy has been met with some resistance from community groups and developers, city officials believe that it is necessary to accommodate the city’s growing population in a sustainable and inclusive way. By promoting vertical living and encouraging the development of mixed-use high-rise buildings, Toronto hopes to create a more compact and connected city that can support the needs of its residents for years to come.

Overall, the approval of the “Growing Up” policy represents a significant step forward in Toronto’s efforts to address its housing shortage and accommodate its growing population. By promoting vertical living, family-friendly housing, and sustainability in high-rise buildings, city planners hope to create a more vibrant and livable city that can meet the needs of all its residents. As Toronto continues to grow and evolve, the implementation of this new planning policy will be crucial in shaping the future of the city and ensuring that it remains a thriving and inclusive place to live for years to come.